


Usher Oil Company is a licensed liquid industrial waste treatment and used oil recycling operation located in Detroit, Michigan. Our Company has been in the business of safely treating wastewater and recycling used oil since 1930.

All wastewater streams are physically and chemically treated in an on-site wastewater treatment plant before being discharged to the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department. Oily waste brought on site is treated, and the oil is reclaimed. All oils reclaimed from these streams are used as a base stock for the manufacture of a used oil fuel that is sold for energy recovery.

All waste streams accepted for treatment are subjected to an approval process. Upon receipt of a representative sample, a pre-approved fingerprint analysis is conducted. If the non-hazardous waste is process compatible, a waste profile form must be completed before the material will be accepted at our facility. Once the profile is administratively complete, an approval number will be issued. This approval number on the manifest will help prevent any delays in unloading.

Prior to unloading at our facility, a representative sample is obtained from each load. This sample is examined for comparison to the fingerprint and profile. Based upon compatibility testing, the load is accepted and off-loaded into the appropriate treatment tank(s). If the sample does not pass compatibility testing, the load will be rejected.

Usher Oil Company is an operation that has continually grown and adapted to the changing needs of industry and the environment, with more than 450,000 square feet of stable industrial facilities. We are committed to the needs of our customers and to the environment with distinctive service, competitive prices, and the recycling of liquid industrial waste and used oil in a safe, compliant manner.